With Teeth. A new NIN album. **~SQUEE!~** I'm so pissed i get to miss them tomorrow. One day, I will see them live. I will be in the pit. I will get the snot ripped out of me. I will be one of the masses. It will happen. I'll start saving for this tour. He HAS to tour after the album come out... right?
My site.
Well, I'm looking at actually doing something with my site. You know, maybe posting things... About me... In more static, controlled way... or something? But first i need to get a URL. Then I'll need to see about hosting. Then we can talk about what it's gonna do...
Lost and found
So, I went to corporate challenge Wednesday. In the process, I managed to drop my college ring. Stopped by the place it was held and no reports of the ring to be had. Now, you're thinking "well, then just get a replacement with the warranty". Well, here's the catch with that. You have to have the original sales receipt and shipping documents. You have to have a filled out police report. There's a small matter of a $100+ deductible. The $20+ shipping fee. Oh, yeah. One more thing... YOU HAVE TO HAVE PURCHASED THE RING NO MORE THAN 4 YEARS AGO!!! LOL. So, even if I had the documentation. The ring is almost 6 years old. LOL. So, I priced it out. With the new ring, a backdating fee, and shipping, it'd be about $300 for the replacement. "Well, that's a fat load of suck" I thought and a flight for life chopper landed outside my window. I was all set to be ringless for about 4-6 months. Well, in some strange twist of fate, the ring was found and turned in. EL YAY! So, I have it back now. This makes me happy. But, at least now I know how much to put it on the insurance for... As soon as I get some insurance. I should do that sooner rather than later.
For those of you following the tale of Anthony and Karen, we talked. We are looking for different things out of life and are in different places in life. We decided that it's not something that can be worked through with any success. We are broken up. It is an amicable break up. It is no reason to try to segregate us from each other and there are no sides to take. The counter thoughts are turned off. There's no need to say how sorry you are. If you want to know more, you're gonna have to ask directly.
MSM weighs in on the "blogsphere"tm
Blogs Will Change Your Business
This is a really interesting article. It had previously occured to me, what with some guy getting canned at microsoft for posting the now infamous picture of some g4's on thier loading dock, that businesses were catching on to the ramblings of the masses. it had also occured to me that this would have ramifications to you and I. What hadn't occured to me was the ways in which there would be financial gain for companies willing to give this a try. The GM VP having a blog was a bit of a shock. Usually, the big boys are the last to give something bleeding edge (at least from the perspective of a big boy business) a go. Contrast that with the slow uptake of Netflix to play nice with hackingnetflixdotcom and it would seem that perhaps in this case, having the money for a team of advisors pays off. So, the questionsi have are: What would a mainstream absorbing of blogs do for the little guy? Would we then have to watch every word we say lest we catch a liable suit? Or worse, and copyright suit? MikeRoweSoftdotcom got the nay-no from Redmond. What happens when Mike Rowe names his blog MikeRoweSoftdotcom? Does he then have to go back to court or settle out of it because of his sense of humor? What if I say vasaline instead of petrolium jelly? Or KY instead of water based intimate lubricant? Right now, nothing, I make $0 off my blog. But what if I was using AdSense? What if i decided to self host and sell some space? Does that now make my blog a revenue making venture and subject to royalties? What if I had a large readership due to no fault of my own? Do i then cross the line and become a profit making model? The thought of business in blogs. Hmmm... Discuss.
This is a really interesting article. It had previously occured to me, what with some guy getting canned at microsoft for posting the now infamous picture of some g4's on thier loading dock, that businesses were catching on to the ramblings of the masses. it had also occured to me that this would have ramifications to you and I. What hadn't occured to me was the ways in which there would be financial gain for companies willing to give this a try. The GM VP having a blog was a bit of a shock. Usually, the big boys are the last to give something bleeding edge (at least from the perspective of a big boy business) a go. Contrast that with the slow uptake of Netflix to play nice with hackingnetflixdotcom and it would seem that perhaps in this case, having the money for a team of advisors pays off. So, the questionsi have are: What would a mainstream absorbing of blogs do for the little guy? Would we then have to watch every word we say lest we catch a liable suit? Or worse, and copyright suit? MikeRoweSoftdotcom got the nay-no from Redmond. What happens when Mike Rowe names his blog MikeRoweSoftdotcom? Does he then have to go back to court or settle out of it because of his sense of humor? What if I say vasaline instead of petrolium jelly? Or KY instead of water based intimate lubricant? Right now, nothing, I make $0 off my blog. But what if I was using AdSense? What if i decided to self host and sell some space? Does that now make my blog a revenue making venture and subject to royalties? What if I had a large readership due to no fault of my own? Do i then cross the line and become a profit making model? The thought of business in blogs. Hmmm... Discuss.
DRAMA! And some
Well, turns out that some of my reletively close friends are, either on purpose of not, drama queens. LOL! I mean, damn. The amount of people who have left inflamatory posts and comments on blogs as of late is astounding. What ever happend to a good, old fashioned, passionate e-mail? Why we gotta air out our dirty laundry for the world to see. Myabe, just maybe, the information age aint all good?
AND apperantly some people done left some other people in a quick fast way? Ninja moved, if you will. Totally unrelated to the close friend drama, but still. I mean, in the space of a weekend, things done blowed up. ALL the way up.
I've entered in to negotiations with the ex girl. I miss her too much to just walk away. Took me some time alone to figure that out. Maybe we can come to an agreement, maybe not. Either way, i know i enjoyed the fuck out of our relationship, even if i didn't realize it till it was too late... I'm a stubborn asshole more times than not. It pays off sometimes, but it also comes with a price. I'd hate for that price to be losing her, but at this point, all i can do is figure out what i need from her to be, what she needs from me to be happy, and what we can do to facilitate that. Yes, she means that much to me. I honelty didn't know I wanted her this bad. I didn't know a lot fo things. Was it perfect? no. But, there's enough there to make me stay up and night wondering just what did i do. There's enough there to make me come to terms with my emotions. There's enough there to make my emotions come out in the first place. I've never had my emotions become so lound that my logic was drowned out. I layed down to sleep at 12:30 last night. I was asleep at about 2:30. All that time, i was trying to make my heart shut off long enough for me to sleep. Eventually, I had to medicate my way to sleepytown. Clearly, i fucked up. Clearly, i'm telling myself that. But, hey, she's at least willing to discuss things. That's more than my actions deserve...
Oh, if any of my dear a loyal readers would like to be linked, post a comment saying so. I forgot to save my links before i updated the stylesheet. And now, they're gone with the wind. All i ask is that you link me back if you haven't already. And you don't HAVE to. I know some of you out there aren't so hip with the HTML.
Oh, on more thing.... RASPUTINA!!!! MAY 13TH!!!! There is still time to buy tickets and book a hotel room. You don't have to miss out! Come, my little crackers! Come and see the cello bitches!
AND apperantly some people done left some other people in a quick fast way? Ninja moved, if you will. Totally unrelated to the close friend drama, but still. I mean, in the space of a weekend, things done blowed up. ALL the way up.
I've entered in to negotiations with the ex girl. I miss her too much to just walk away. Took me some time alone to figure that out. Maybe we can come to an agreement, maybe not. Either way, i know i enjoyed the fuck out of our relationship, even if i didn't realize it till it was too late... I'm a stubborn asshole more times than not. It pays off sometimes, but it also comes with a price. I'd hate for that price to be losing her, but at this point, all i can do is figure out what i need from her to be, what she needs from me to be happy, and what we can do to facilitate that. Yes, she means that much to me. I honelty didn't know I wanted her this bad. I didn't know a lot fo things. Was it perfect? no. But, there's enough there to make me stay up and night wondering just what did i do. There's enough there to make me come to terms with my emotions. There's enough there to make my emotions come out in the first place. I've never had my emotions become so lound that my logic was drowned out. I layed down to sleep at 12:30 last night. I was asleep at about 2:30. All that time, i was trying to make my heart shut off long enough for me to sleep. Eventually, I had to medicate my way to sleepytown. Clearly, i fucked up. Clearly, i'm telling myself that. But, hey, she's at least willing to discuss things. That's more than my actions deserve...
Oh, if any of my dear a loyal readers would like to be linked, post a comment saying so. I forgot to save my links before i updated the stylesheet. And now, they're gone with the wind. All i ask is that you link me back if you haven't already. And you don't HAVE to. I know some of you out there aren't so hip with the HTML.
Oh, on more thing.... RASPUTINA!!!! MAY 13TH!!!! There is still time to buy tickets and book a hotel room. You don't have to miss out! Come, my little crackers! Come and see the cello bitches!
Well, whatever i did yesterday, i didn't do today. Yesterday, My blood sugar jumped to 325 yesterday morning and only dropped to 288 after dinner last night. Today, it's back to 205. Only difference? Arizona green tea. Yep, you heard right, green tea. Apperantly, green tea from the AriZona brewing company can kill me. Oi vey. I don't know what seemed healthier than that. I went shopping and got some less surgary cereal. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO DO THAT? It's like trying to find the ark of the covenant. There's a whole mess of things cerals that's just loaded with surgar. TONS of the stuff. BUT, crispix is still on the list. And that, my friends, is the win of the day. I hadn't quite realized just how much there is in the grocery store that's really just unhealthy. I mean, even some of the "healthy" stuff is really just "things what are less harmful". Got a whole slew of veggies. I forgot how much I actually like the veggies, man. Some slightly boiled, still crisp veggies. I figure if I just cut the carbs to just breakfast and make sure i don't have a surgary start, leave the drinks to water and unsweetend tea (you know, for flavor), i'll be able to get this down to, oh i don't know, sub 100 level. And that would be great. Not sure how i'm gonna reconcile this with beer yet. And i REALLY don't know how the hard stuff will work. I'll have to call the SMA "diabetes educator" on that jazz.
I added text messaging to my phone today. Decided i actually like it, now that predictive text seems to speak actuall english now. Figured it's cheaper that the 14 dollars i spent on this last bill.
LOL. Subway commercial. I can get the ultra healthy subway sandwich at an unhealthy 24 inches for 8 dollars with an even unhealthier 32 ounces of soda. God i love this country. Be healthy or not spen a shitload on eating. It's... TEH AWESOMES!!!!
Anyhow... Deciding if i still wanna go to the goth club night tonight. I want to, but i also want to go to bed. Incompatable competing demands abound as of late...
I added text messaging to my phone today. Decided i actually like it, now that predictive text seems to speak actuall english now. Figured it's cheaper that the 14 dollars i spent on this last bill.
LOL. Subway commercial. I can get the ultra healthy subway sandwich at an unhealthy 24 inches for 8 dollars with an even unhealthier 32 ounces of soda. God i love this country. Be healthy or not spen a shitload on eating. It's... TEH AWESOMES!!!!
Anyhow... Deciding if i still wanna go to the goth club night tonight. I want to, but i also want to go to bed. Incompatable competing demands abound as of late...
Well, things have changed A LOT since my last post. I'm single now. Just know I am both happy to be single AND sad to be minus Karen. That's all anyone needs to know about that. And I have (insert sweeping dramatic music) Diabetes. The doctor thinks it's type-2. The pills the gave me seem to be droping the blood sugar down to a more realistic level. And, if everything goes well, I just might get to keep my foreskin. The best boss I've ever had left for another job. But in her shoes, I'd have done the same thing. I'm moving to a bigger apartment in a month. I lose the top floor view, but i get a buch more space, bedroom with a door, and a bathroom that DOESN'T open into the kitchen. So, it's really a big plus. All in all, things aren't exactly worse. Just different. And, right now, the difference isn't all bad.