

Well, whatever i did yesterday, i didn't do today. Yesterday, My blood sugar jumped to 325 yesterday morning and only dropped to 288 after dinner last night. Today, it's back to 205. Only difference? Arizona green tea. Yep, you heard right, green tea. Apperantly, green tea from the AriZona brewing company can kill me. Oi vey. I don't know what seemed healthier than that. I went shopping and got some less surgary cereal. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO DO THAT? It's like trying to find the ark of the covenant. There's a whole mess of things cerals that's just loaded with surgar. TONS of the stuff. BUT, crispix is still on the list. And that, my friends, is the win of the day. I hadn't quite realized just how much there is in the grocery store that's really just unhealthy. I mean, even some of the "healthy" stuff is really just "things what are less harmful". Got a whole slew of veggies. I forgot how much I actually like the veggies, man. Some slightly boiled, still crisp veggies. I figure if I just cut the carbs to just breakfast and make sure i don't have a surgary start, leave the drinks to water and unsweetend tea (you know, for flavor), i'll be able to get this down to, oh i don't know, sub 100 level. And that would be great. Not sure how i'm gonna reconcile this with beer yet. And i REALLY don't know how the hard stuff will work. I'll have to call the SMA "diabetes educator" on that jazz.

I added text messaging to my phone today. Decided i actually like it, now that predictive text seems to speak actuall english now. Figured it's cheaper that the 14 dollars i spent on this last bill.

LOL. Subway commercial. I can get the ultra healthy subway sandwich at an unhealthy 24 inches for 8 dollars with an even unhealthier 32 ounces of soda. God i love this country. Be healthy or not spen a shitload on eating. It's... TEH AWESOMES!!!!

Anyhow... Deciding if i still wanna go to the goth club night tonight. I want to, but i also want to go to bed. Incompatable competing demands abound as of late...


Blogger JennaBea said...

Digging the new layout :)

4/25/2005 6:55 AM  
Blogger Rook said...

Yeah. Decided to spice things up a bit... Black and blue... *yawn*

4/25/2005 5:31 PM  

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