
DRAMA! And some

Well, turns out that some of my reletively close friends are, either on purpose of not, drama queens. LOL! I mean, damn. The amount of people who have left inflamatory posts and comments on blogs as of late is astounding. What ever happend to a good, old fashioned, passionate e-mail? Why we gotta air out our dirty laundry for the world to see. Myabe, just maybe, the information age aint all good?

AND apperantly some people done left some other people in a quick fast way? Ninja moved, if you will. Totally unrelated to the close friend drama, but still. I mean, in the space of a weekend, things done blowed up. ALL the way up.

I've entered in to negotiations with the ex girl. I miss her too much to just walk away. Took me some time alone to figure that out. Maybe we can come to an agreement, maybe not. Either way, i know i enjoyed the fuck out of our relationship, even if i didn't realize it till it was too late... I'm a stubborn asshole more times than not. It pays off sometimes, but it also comes with a price. I'd hate for that price to be losing her, but at this point, all i can do is figure out what i need from her to be, what she needs from me to be happy, and what we can do to facilitate that. Yes, she means that much to me. I honelty didn't know I wanted her this bad. I didn't know a lot fo things. Was it perfect? no. But, there's enough there to make me stay up and night wondering just what did i do. There's enough there to make me come to terms with my emotions. There's enough there to make my emotions come out in the first place. I've never had my emotions become so lound that my logic was drowned out. I layed down to sleep at 12:30 last night. I was asleep at about 2:30. All that time, i was trying to make my heart shut off long enough for me to sleep. Eventually, I had to medicate my way to sleepytown. Clearly, i fucked up. Clearly, i'm telling myself that. But, hey, she's at least willing to discuss things. That's more than my actions deserve...

Oh, if any of my dear a loyal readers would like to be linked, post a comment saying so. I forgot to save my links before i updated the stylesheet. And now, they're gone with the wind. All i ask is that you link me back if you haven't already. And you don't HAVE to. I know some of you out there aren't so hip with the HTML.

Oh, on more thing.... RASPUTINA!!!! MAY 13TH!!!! There is still time to buy tickets and book a hotel room. You don't have to miss out! Come, my little crackers! Come and see the cello bitches!


Blogger JennaBea said...

That was so sweet...I think i'm gonna cry. I like reading sweet posts :)

Oh, and link me! http://www.jennabea.com

4/26/2005 10:15 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

So there was this party...

no, I'm just joshing.
I have you linked. :)

4/26/2005 10:37 PM  

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