

Lets recap, shall we? 26 years old. Never had a relationship make it past the six month mark (with one only getting close, if i'm allowed to count highschool). the longest lasting "relationships" i've ever had were sex only things. Anytime i've tried to date anyone in the past 5 going on 6, years it's ended in me getting booted in one month or less.... IF i can make it past the first date... IF i can get that far... which i don't ususally. The only positives i can say about my dating history is that i've never had a disease or got a girl preagnant. that's it. I can't think of anything else i can honestly say i wouldn't change. my personal adds get all the warm reception of a dead monkey, my reply's as well. the track record speaks for it's self i think. everything points to me never being good enough. I've spent the last four days trying to convince myslef that i'm wrong. that i'm good for more than just a friend. that i'm desireable. but i find little evidence for that. But that's not what's important. that's not why I am where i am. Why i feel what i feel. I know that right now. i can see that right now...

i see how i acted the past few weeks. how i wanted to believe in someone actually wanting me as more than a passing fancy so hard that i ignored the obvious signs. i tried to make myslef believe the dream and ignore the reality. if i really had feelings as strong as i say i did, shouldn't it hurt more now? shouldn't i miss her? Shouldn't i at least be a little angry? at her? at the situation? at SOMETHING? but i don't feel any of that. i just feel ashamed of myself. ashamed that i willfuly closed my eyes and ignored what i already knew. ashamed that my actions were beneath what i the standards i try to hold myself to. i look at how i handled myself and i'm mad at me. no one else. i let me down cause it was conveinient. I know that as well as i know the back of my hand. the only time i did me proud was the very end. that's it. every moment leading up to that is a black mark on my personal record. And i can't forget that. and i can't undo that. I failed me by putting myself in the back seat. By lying to myself. by cheating myslef out of peace of mind and trust in my own instincts.

"this above all; to thine own self be true"

I used to make it my goal to live up to that in every act i do. I used to follow that with such dogged tenacity that precious little would shake me from my task. It was my duty to be honest with myself at all times. It was my mission to never have to look in the mirror and be ashamed of who looked back. I haven't followed that path in a loooooong time. At some point I started down the slippery slope. I started the little white lie here and there. I blured the line between what i need and what i want. And i blurred it again when it was conveinient. I let myself believe the hype. I let myself be rocked in the filthy craddle of society. I tried to go back among the sleeping. I tried to sink back into the masses. to live life ignorant of my needs and midfull of my wants. And i've paid what prices. I've spent almost six years chasing what I can't have. Spent the past 2 (almost three) years believeing in "i can't." Spent the past month trying convice myself that there is something more to a kiss, and something less to the lack of one. In short, i've wasted a whole lot of time and energy on things that are unimportant. I've conditioned myself to react to rejection rather than to acceptance. I've concived myself that I am more than I am rather that less than what i could become. I've become proud in my humility. I have lost my path. I have lost my self. I am lost. I know that now. I know now what i have been affraid to know. that i have failed myself. I have not remembered the simple statement "this above all; to thine own self be true". And it was all because true love of myself got a little lonely. Becuase it's easier to want something when you convince yourself you need it. It's easier to sleep with someone when you tell yourself "i need this" and not "I want this".

I am not proud of what i have become the past few years. I have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to my own needs too long. I have been weak for fear of scaring the weak. I have been dumb for fear of of scaring the dumb. I have been blind for fear of scaring the blind. I have denied my true self. And all i have gained for it is my own pain. A person who is hardly someone to be proud of. I am not "alone" because of the whims of some other person. Nothing can replace peace with self. Nothing is higher than looking in the mirror and knowing what is looking back is sharp and deadly, yet kind and loving. I used to feel that. I was that person. I shall be again. I am strong. I can see. I have a voice. I am awake. Once again, I am awake.


and thus ends the story of Donna and Me.

She wanted to be friends. i won't play that game. told her why. Fuck it.


Maturity is an odd thing. You react to things in ways that feel new. But it's the natural reaction. I just got the non-comitment e-mail from D., yet i'm not mad or put off by it. I mean, there's a part of me that is screaming and setting off alarms and such, but it's such a small par in comparison to the part of me that is calm, cool and collected. The only reaction that is sorta familiar is the low self esteem "get ready to be single" alarm. Even that is more muted that it usually is in previous itterations of this scenario. I'm actually kinda glad to step things down a bit. Ain't that a kick in the head?



-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

That's not me. Is it?



Up since 5. Just woke up. Couldn't get back to sleep. Arrrgghhh....



I'm an overreacting ass. I know that. All i needed was sleep. Sleep is good. It's not like it's been a week. It's only been a couple days. I just need to chill.


re: wow

and here is where the insecurities kick in. I wanna say "she'll call" and believe it. I'm just so used to things falling to shit when i try to do anything romantic since 1999 that I just can't. I wanna say i don't care, but i can't. I wanna not worry, but i can't. I wanna hear her voice on the other end of the phone, at least, but it seems that i can't. I can't make her return my call. I can't make her do anything. Hell, i can hardly make me do anything. Either she'll call, or she won't. And we'll continue, or we won't. and this time it'll be different, or it won't. And the suckiest part of all? I just know it was something I did. I just don't know exactly what point i possibly fucked this up so bad i don't get call backs. fuck it, I'm going to bed. At least i still sleep in peace. It's times like this i relish sleeping like the dead. Feeling this weak and powerless and small sucks :-(



So, Donna passed the friend test. She a: didn't run off and b: didn't make any lifelong enemies. These are things that are good. So, i guess that the big stuff on my end is pretty much out the way as far as her and I are concerned. I don't have to worry about if she'll like my core group of friends or vice versa. Now, we see where this goes :-)

And kelly tried to destroy us last night. It was fun. I'm glad i stopped when i did. If i hadn't , lord knows when i would been able to go home... But, everyone involved had a good time, except for the cop that had to stop by. I'm sure he was less than happy to find that it was such a small and intimate affair.... Oh well.


New room

So, with the new room comes space. With space comes room to practice my trombone. It also means I have to get things like furnture and a television and such. And deciding how i wanna work this who two room thing. Which do i wanna sleep in and which do i wanna have my pc in. I don't really wanna do both in one room anymore. But first order of business is storage space... lost of it... and wall hangings...

Like old times, only newer

She still kisses like she used to. Wonder if I still kiss like I used to? Invited her to lake havasu. Here's to hoping that she gets the time off. Figure at the rate things are going we'll at least be at holding hands and kissing in public. LOL. Kinda cool to not worry about "when are we gonna 'do it'" and to just coast along. See where this leads. just let go of control and let the fates do as they will for now.

OK, sleeptime. Will update more later.


Of frabrics, piercings, and blasts from the past...

Whatever my bdu's are made from is creating just the right sensations on my PA to cause half wood all day... Walking is strangely erotic. Also discovered on sunday that denim is still off limts. But only for another couple weeks.

In other news, Looks like i'm about to start dating an "ex." Not a serious, we were together for a while ex. No, like a "we dated for a few weeks" ex. We'll see how this goes. any time i spend around her feels right, not good, or fun. Right. Like when you crack your back. Or when put on your favorite pair of shoes. That kind of right. Like this is the way it's supposed to be. The way i see it, if i'm headed for heartbreak, i'd rather it be with her. She already has me, I just hope she doesn't know it yet...



You are the grammar Fuhrer. All bow to your
authority. You will crush all the inferior
people under the soles of your jackboots, and
any who question your motives will be
eliminated. Your punishment is being the bane
of every other person's existence, because
you're constantly contradicting stupidity.
Everyone will be gunning for you. Your dreams
of a master race of spellers and grammarians
frighten the masses. You must always watch your
back. If only your power could be used for good
instead of evil.

What is your grammar aptitude?
brought to you by Quizilla

Or... I just paid attention in school.... (Pic removed 'cause large photos of Hitler make me aggro)


Now, i may die happy.

OMG!!!! This would |20x0|2 sooooooo much. I'd break my dick to get it.