
Finally figured it out.

I figured out what annoys me about animal rights activists.

Just got a message demanding that I stop shopping at J Crew. I don't shop at J Crew. I can't afford to shop at J Crew. Most of the people in this country really can't afford to shop at J Crew. It said that thier fur comes from nefarious cat and dog murdering asian peoples. I don't own fur. It's not because I think mikey the minx should be spared. Fuck that. Top of the food chain, I am. I wear my leather with pride. It's because I can't afford fur. It cost's more than I have to rightly spend without causing harm to my ability to have electricity. It was accompanied by a rather graphic movie of how the animals are treated pre skinning. And they were cats and dogs. So, you know, they are the privaledged animals and must be saved first. But i'm getting away from my point. According to them, I should go out and tell all of my friends (who can't afford to shop at J Crew) to stop shopping J Crew because thier fur (which most of my friends can't afford to buy) might come from cats and/or dogs from half accross the plantet and these cats and/or dogs weren't treated in the most humane way possbile.

How about this. FUCK THOSE CATS AND DOGS!!! (And here we get to what pisses me off about the animal rights thing.) We, as a city, as a state, as a nation, as a world, have NOT mastered human rights. We haven't even come up with a deffinition that EVERYONE can aggree on. I mean, all the "major players" agree, but we don't even bother to ask anyone else. Leaders of men aren't given the right to decide what are the rights their people should have. In those same countries, the young white female who sent me that message would do just as well in sex slave market. You know, untill she looked over the age of 16. Then it's sucking dick in massage parlors and back rooms in bars if you can manage to stay rail thin and pale. But i should be more concerned about some animal in some nation half a world away than i should her safety in some of those same nations. It's a priorities thing. I mean, we didn't get to the top of the food chain by petting cats and dogs cause thier fluffy. No, we hunted them and ate them. Like we hunted and ate pretty much any animal you see anywhere. Frogs legs didn't happen because the french were bored. You can't go to trader joes and buy buffalo burgers because "beef is SO yesterday". There's a reason why in the backwater places of America, snake is on the menu. We hunted them to survive. To feed us. To clothe us. To shelter us. To make instruments of death and music. They weren't pets, they were resources. We were, on the other hand, concerned that the other humans who maybe couldn't provide got enough to get by. We took care of eachother as we could, and used what was available to us to do it. That's how we go to be on the top. Because we used eachothers abilities to make us better as a whole. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's right that fluffy and buster get treated this way before dying and becomming fur. I mean, it is pretty grizzly stuff. I'm just saying that as a world, we really do have bigger fish to fry. We really do have bigger problems that should be addressed before we can move on to the illegal fur-of-animals-still-in-our-diet thing. When there are people taking great risks of life and safety just to come accross and touch American soil it seems to me that there are problems to be addressed that are bigger than J Crew. Bigger than animal rights. There are a million billion horror stories of how poor foreigners have done things they can barely speak of, and some things they can't even talk about, just to cross our borders becasue they can't afford to do it legally. And they never will becuase their local government has made travel outside thier borders a luxury and not a right. Imagine that. You can never earn enough to leave where you are. Never. And everytime you try, you catch an emotional, and sometime physical, beat down. And the only chance you have of making it over could kill you if you're lucky. Could end up with you never even going to America if you're not. Sounds like a rat in a cage just dreaming of being on the otherside. Sounds like someone who, if they're lucky, will make it out, or stop before they start selling pieces of themselves. But I never see anyone asking me to stop buying what his country is selling. There are a whole lot of people just to the south of us in a whole lot of post hurricane hurting. But, i have to read the BBC to find out how that's shaking out. American news won't even talk about it. people who had precious little have nothing. Starting from litterally square one. "I need someting to eat and something to lean against the rain with" square one. Imagine survivor, only not voluntary, with no cameras or rules, and no one will come get you off this god damned island. But i should be worried about J Crew's fur policy. I'll worry about all the animals. Every last one of them, when we get humans taken care of. Top of the food chain = first on the list for help. And you know what? You know what pisses me off. I'm willing to bet that if you can get everyone on the human rights boat. And I mean SERIOUSLY on the boat. Animal rights will start to fix them selves. I should probably note that I mean that animals have the right to become my shoes and jackets and belts and dinner without undue pain. But, lets face it, life is pain. Anyone who tells you different is selling something.


Blogger Jamie said...

Nice rant!!!

11/01/2005 12:35 PM  

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