
Things i've neglected to mention...

Well, I'm on call this week. So far, i've only been called twice and had to go in once. It was to replace a keyboard. But it was also the only computer is the trauma resusitation area, so it's a pretty fucking important keyboard. I still can't remote in to my work machine through the VPN. Teh intornats is havenening it's wayzorz with teh mes. Oh noes! I'll figure it out. Got closer last night though. I actually managed to get a refused connection from my machine, so at least i can see the fucking thing. I just can't connect. What this means is until I can get that up and running, any computer work equals running in to work to fix things. Luckily, I don't live so far and the drive isn't so bad.

I'm moving on the 20th to the new place. That is sooooo awesome. And i'm getting my sisters couch too. It matches the love seat she gave me so I'll have matching livingroom furnishings. Like a real adult. Scary. I've pretty much decided whats going to go where and what I will need to get to make the place work. I also need to get off my big, black, lazy, depressed ass and start getting the place ready to move. It's in the same building so I'll only be moving with elevators. no moving trucks, no outside work. It's not that bad, I just don't want to do it. And i do. OH! And i'm also gonna be getting a freestanding heavy bag. I need to exercise, and heavy bag and speed bag work is something I enjoy. That's right, a de facto pacifist who like hitting bags of stuff. Odd, aint it?

So, the diabetes is going along ok. The forskin issue is just about resolved. I get to keep the foreskin and I put my PA back in. That's teh happies. The wieght is comming off. The blood sugar is hovering at about 150. Once I lose a buch of weight, that should drop even more. I've even had some beer without sending myself into a glucose-enduced coma. I figure i should probably make a dentist appointment and have the good doctor check out my knees. Figure i should do the teeth bootcher first, get the cracked tooth uncracked. Make sure i'll get to keep most of my pearly whites.

San Diego for Rasputina in about a week and a half. Should be awesome. Dr. K may not be able to go. UNLV is sptting out a new class of students and she is contractualy obligated to go. I just want to know who the hell puts that in a contract? Seems wierd. But, then again, i don't know the ins and outs of academia the way she does, so maybe it makes perfect sense to her. I've never had a job where my duties were laid out in a contract. I'm sure one day i will get to that point in my life.

Must go to shooting range. I've beenbad about that. I have everything i need. I don't have to rent shit. It costs me all of 11-15 dollars american to for cut some paper. And still I haven't done it in quite some time. Maybe saturday before game i'll go put some time in at a lane. If i ever get to the point where it's a regular thing, I'll even spring for a decent gun. You know, one that's made out of metal and is decently accurate. That's always been my deal with myself.

LAUNDRY! I just need to do it. Wash some fucking clothes. And not even by hand. LAME!

So, i was seeing some internet connection wierdness. And now, I have speed closer to what i'm paying for. I don't mind them doing maintenance. That's cool. Just wish they'd tell me. Instead of me calling customer service and them saying, effectively, "move to a house".

I got to experience the pimpness that is a 5 disk dvd changer. Watched return of the king extended. Never had to get up to change disks. pimp. totally fucking pimp.

Well, it's about time for me to get my self to that work place. Do those work-type things. Payday tomorrow. wh00tzor!


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