
New music!!

So, i got the new Rasputina ablum. I haven't heard one song yet. You're prolly asking yourself "how does a diehard fan get a new album and not listen to it?" Simple. I also got the new squarepusher. In the arbitrary and dynamic hierarchy that I assign the bands i like, squarepusher is higher on the food chain. I mean, i like raputina enough to go to tuscon. I would litterally fly to london and sleep in the airport to see squarpusher if i could afford it. He's that much higher on the food chain.


Oh, the goth club... and other eratta

Went to the goth club last night. I think i figured out how to do it. Might require augmenting the stargate game though. At any rate, the single most favorite thing i heard last night:

"Don't hit the pussy! It fuckin hurts!"

I'm totally going next week. Lots of people i aint seen in a loooong time.

On a different note. i finished survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. Awesome read. I highly recomend. Now... to finish good omens...




Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. If you have any love for cinema at all, go see this movie now. It's the kind of film that only works on film. And it works wonderfuly. It's worth the money and the time.

Q and A

Q: tell me, when i take over the world, why should i let you live?

A: vampyrpixie: because I like to see people bleed.

empathyinverted: because i have a waterproof vibrator?

mistresssandy: cause i'm cute and cuddly
mistresssandy: yup
mistresssandy: that's about it

That Girl: because I'm not a pain in the ass and I can get hot chicks to take off their clothes.

quakechix0r: because i have nice boobs

Swoney: cause i'm sexy.

Mychimera7: why not. I give a good back rub

Oh yeah...

So, I finally lost my mind and got an 8 guage prince albert Friday. There is now a ring in my cock. Now, a lot of people have been asking me "why?" Well, first and foremost, becuase i can. There is nothing to stop me from doing it. No law, no g/f, nothing. Secondly, i think it makes my cock aesthetically pleasing. That's a rule i have for getting things like this done. Either it's gotta serve a purpose or be nice to look at. Or both. Besides, healing time is gonna be a walk in the park, since i don't have a g/f or anything. There is no one begging me to use it, so it can just heal away with no issues.


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Extroverted (E) 53.13% Introverted (I) 46.88%
Realistic (S) 52.94% Imaginative (N) 47.06%
Intellectual (T) 57.58% Emotional (F) 42.42%
Easygoing (P) 60.71% Organized (J) 39.29%
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Song: Hunter
Artist: Bjork
Album: Homogenic

If travel is searching
And home has been found

I'm not stopping

I'm going hunting
I'm the hunter
I'll bring back the goods
But I don't know when

I thought I could organize freedom
How Scandinavian of me
You sussed it out, didn't you ?

You could smell it
So you left me on my own
To complete the mission
Now I'm leaving it all behind

I'm Going hunting
I'm the hunter, I'm the hunter
I'm going hunting
I'm the hunter Ooooohhh... I'm the hunter
I'm the hunter Ooooohhh... I'm the hunter
I'm ... the ... hunter...

(Sorry, it was stuck in my head. Thought i'd share.)

On a lighter note...

So, jeff had some friends of his come out to visit. This was fun. Gave me an excuse to spend entirely too much money and tine away from sleeping. Went to lake havasu. Had an "orgy;" although, after being involved in a couple at Sin, if only in the periphery, this was... tamer... than what I was trained on. Hell no one was tied up, gagged, whipped... only one spanking, and the bottom stopped the top. But, that's life I suppose. Suppose that means i should find me a few... freakier... friends to party with on that level. At any rate, it was blast having them in town. Odd ball thing was, I think I was jsut about the only person who wasn't seriously trying to get laid. I'd pretty much given up on that when every male in a 30 mile radius perked up. Not worth the bother of trying to play "sex survivor" with my friends. Did i flirt when I could, yes. Did I get anywhere, no. Do i give a rats ass, no. All week I've been hyper-aware of how little power women had over me. It's quite possibly the best feeling ever. The ability to go"eh, whatever" and mean it, such a release. Allowed me to just enjoy the day. Even got some subtle manipulation on. But, I can't tell you what it was, then it wouldn't be so subtle. ;-)


When you don't hope to gain female companionship, you can't feel regret for not getting it. I think I found the new way... Accept that "the one for me" is busy doing god knows what and that I'm just the lifelong bachelor. Feels better already. Just stop trying to prove I'm desired.


I HATE him

My fucking brother in law. I HATE him. I come home from work, planning to just check my e-mail, surf a few sites, and go eat diner. Simple plan. He decides to go to diner, stick me with the guy doing shit to the garage. AND a house full of his relatives. FUCK HIM! And it's not like i didn't talk to him when i can home. I'm not mad that he left. I'm mad cause he couldn't fucking ask me. Take a little concideration on whether or not i even HAD plans. So, instead of eating, i get to sit here, with a bunch of kids that i don't know. I HATE HIM!!!! I cannot express how much seathing hatred i have for him. AND he fucking guilts me on being her in the first god damn place. Like i PLANNED to get laid off without warning. Like i wanted to spend six months trying to pay my car payment and insurance instead of moving out. excuse the fuck out of me for watching what little hope i had of getting a decent job in time to salvage ANYTHING while i spend almost a year looking for any job that pays more then 10 dollars an hour. and taking ones that don't just to keep my car. FUCK HIM! I was feeling pretty good till about a half hour ago. And this ALWAYS happens. He's CONSTANTLY sticking his dick in my face. I'm so done. This is it. I CANNOT live like this. I WILL NOT LIVE LIKE THIS! I'm through with him assuming that i'm at his beck and call. That I live to serve his every whim. I don't care anymore. I'm tired of having everything i own shoved in my room just so i can keep it. I'm tired of him demanding that i fix his computer now. i'm through. If that means losing the cable modem, so be it. If that means turning the cell phone off, so be it. I'm done. this is it. i'm resolved in spending every resource, every shred of energy to get out of this place. If that means i get a second job, fuck it. I can flip burgers on weekends if i have to. I am NOT going to be treated like a servant to some fuck head who can't even be considerate enough to fucking ask for shit BEFORE in anything that resembles a timely fashion. I'll cut out every single joy in my sad little life to get out of here. And i don't care what friends i lose, what family i alienate, how much sleep i don't get. i am officialy through dealing with his LACK OF FUCKING RESPECT FOR ANY OTHER PERSON ON THE GOD DAMNED PLANET!!! It's time for me to be single minded in this. It can go on no longer.