
I HATE him

My fucking brother in law. I HATE him. I come home from work, planning to just check my e-mail, surf a few sites, and go eat diner. Simple plan. He decides to go to diner, stick me with the guy doing shit to the garage. AND a house full of his relatives. FUCK HIM! And it's not like i didn't talk to him when i can home. I'm not mad that he left. I'm mad cause he couldn't fucking ask me. Take a little concideration on whether or not i even HAD plans. So, instead of eating, i get to sit here, with a bunch of kids that i don't know. I HATE HIM!!!! I cannot express how much seathing hatred i have for him. AND he fucking guilts me on being her in the first god damn place. Like i PLANNED to get laid off without warning. Like i wanted to spend six months trying to pay my car payment and insurance instead of moving out. excuse the fuck out of me for watching what little hope i had of getting a decent job in time to salvage ANYTHING while i spend almost a year looking for any job that pays more then 10 dollars an hour. and taking ones that don't just to keep my car. FUCK HIM! I was feeling pretty good till about a half hour ago. And this ALWAYS happens. He's CONSTANTLY sticking his dick in my face. I'm so done. This is it. I CANNOT live like this. I WILL NOT LIVE LIKE THIS! I'm through with him assuming that i'm at his beck and call. That I live to serve his every whim. I don't care anymore. I'm tired of having everything i own shoved in my room just so i can keep it. I'm tired of him demanding that i fix his computer now. i'm through. If that means losing the cable modem, so be it. If that means turning the cell phone off, so be it. I'm done. this is it. i'm resolved in spending every resource, every shred of energy to get out of this place. If that means i get a second job, fuck it. I can flip burgers on weekends if i have to. I am NOT going to be treated like a servant to some fuck head who can't even be considerate enough to fucking ask for shit BEFORE in anything that resembles a timely fashion. I'll cut out every single joy in my sad little life to get out of here. And i don't care what friends i lose, what family i alienate, how much sleep i don't get. i am officialy through dealing with his LACK OF FUCKING RESPECT FOR ANY OTHER PERSON ON THE GOD DAMNED PLANET!!! It's time for me to be single minded in this. It can go on no longer.


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