So, I've been lazy and haven't been blogging. So, lets do a little catch up.
Still with the good doctor. Still way more good than bad. Still unsure how I feel about something this... close. Begining to think some part of me isn't settled on giving up so much space. It's a combination of living by myself for the first time and never being in a relationship this serious. I'm not unhappy, but there's a part of me that's maybe not so ready for all this... But at least it's not a big part. There are just times it feels like "i" didn't move in, "we" moved in. It's little things, though. Not knowing where some small thing is, or finding things i didn't buy in places i didn't put them. And, again, most of the time, it's not bothersome. Just on occasion, it feels like a very minor dicision was made concerning my living space that I wasn't included on. Which has way more to do with me than with the good doctor. It's not like she running my place at all. It's just that there is this little selfish part that would liked to have kept the place before sharing it. Just a small percentage of the total that wasn't ready to share something it just got. And I feel like an ass for feelign that way. I feel like an ass because, for some reason, i can't make a permanent exception... Like there's some part of me that's acting in a fucked up way. I feel like I should be able to just accept her in my place for as long as she wants to hang around. But, there are times when i can't. There are times when a part of me starts screaming "TOO CLOSE!". And i seem to be unable to shut that part of me off. But, then again, that part of me doesn't seem to come up that often. Maybe things have just gotten to the point where i'm out of my comfort zone. Maybe I'm just fucked in the head...
Work is work. The grand ol' boss is leaving and I'm almost sure the grand new boss will want to make things different. Maybe i'll get off this stupid ass shift and get off at a reasonable time... It'd sure be nice to be able to both go home AND go out with friends. Take a shower AND go to a firneds house. That my be part of the previous problem. I never get to see my place for a minute or two before hanging with people. I just get to do either/or. By the time i can get anywhere, pretty much everyone else has been there a while. And if i stop home first, people seem to flake out before i leave the house again. It's kinda like being two hours behind the rest of the world. By the time i get to work, my day is fucked. By the time i get off work, everyone else is either already doing something or 3-5 drinks in at the frog. And what i absolutly love is when people want me to hurry cause i get off 30 minutes before they want to do something. Everyone else gets to go home and change, grab a bit to eat, and wind down beofre a movie night. Me? I gotta rush rush rush so everyone else isn't left waiting. I really do dislike my sift. Getting stuck for at least 90 minutes as the ONLY ops person on staff is also delightful. A couple of the opperators are less-than-helpful to boot... But... it could be worse.
Had the cornrows in for a while. They had to come out though. My scalp was less than happy and a coulple had started to pull out, and i REALLY didn't want any of my hair to go away. I still lost some, but not enough to be worrisome. I'm pretty sure it was because it wasn't my hair, though. But, they did look badass (Picks to follow).
I lost a bunch of weight. Something like 30 pounds. Don't know how exactly. I imagine diet, and a less stressful environment have somethng to do with it. I'm down to 285.
Got the most bad ass of sword canes the other day. Soon as i get my camera back from Printicus Hobbitus N.
Circumsicion. The big C. I get to talk to a Dr. about this in about a month and a half (Because apperantly there's two Urologists on HPN staff). Honestly, the foreskin is becoming more troublesome now that i'm having regular sex. I'm not exactly excited about it, but i'm also not exactly happy with having the meat sheath...
I got this killer deal on a surround sound dvd player. It this: $199. Gotta love the best buy open box deals. AND it was still IN the box. From what I could tell, it hadn't even been used. I'm almost certain it was a miss marked item.
My nephew got married. So, I have a new neice and a great nephew on the way. I'm getting old... But he also started young, so not THAT old.
Well, that's enough from me. Hope you enjoyed the update!