

I swear to god I will beat the next user who looks me dead in the eye and says "I don't know what happend. It just went haywire!" This is a phrase I cannot stand. Nothing just goes haywire. not even in the movies, or tv... not even in the funny pages. So, fuck you, mr./mrs. user. Tell me what the fuck happend or I will beat you about the head and shoulders with a monitor. OK, i feel better now.


one last thing

I now have the mail sound from eurotrip on my pc. YAY!!!


And then there was Manuel Labor

Moved J and DJ to San Diego. The wheather is OH MY GOD awesome. If i thought i could afford to live there without joining the Navy, i would. I was amazed at how much we got done. It was a little daunting at the end of saturday. Got to ride with J (Sorry, Jaimie and Danielle) all the way there. THAT was cool. I hadn't had the long and interesting a conversation with her in a LOOOOOONG time. We had a blow out on one of the trucks, that's the only bad thing that happend. Which, if you think about it, could have been worse. But it wasn't, so no worries there. The neighborhood they're at is ALL military housing. So there are kids... everwhere. That, i do not envy them. Kids wake up early... and are loud about it... Well, I go sleepy-bye now.


The most important thing is...

... I'm dark. So I'm part of the family. And don't you forget it. You gotta love children when they are someone elses AND outspoken...


This is awesome!

I am such the geek....

I Am A: Lawful Good Human Fighter Ranger

Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.

Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.

Primary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.

Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Tyr is the Lawful Good god of justice. He is also known as Tyr Grimjaws, Wounded Tyr, the Maimed God, and Blind Tyr. He appears as a warrior, missing his hand. Followers of Tyr are concerned first and foremost with justice - discovering the truth and punishing the guilty for their crimes. They wear blue and purple robes with a white sash, a white gauntlet on the left hand, and a black gauntlet on the right, to symbolize Tyr's lost hand. Their preferred weapon is the warhammer. Tyr's symbol is a set of scales resting on a warhammer.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

Detailed Results:

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Neutral - XXXX (4)
Chaos --- XXXX (4)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Evil ---- (0)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Half-Elf - X (1)
Elf ------ (-4)
Halfling - (-8)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Half-Orc - XXXXX (5)
Gnome ---- (-1)

Fighter - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Ranger -- XX (2)
Paladin - X (1)
Cleric -- (-4)
Mage ---- (-2)
Druid --- (-3)
Thief --- (-4)
Bard ---- (-3)
Monk ---- (-4)


This just in...

So, i went and shot a gun yesterday. Was bored, never done it, so i figured why not. I had so much fun I bought one today. It's a hi-point 45. It cost $270 with all the paperwork, taxes, and fees. I get to actually take it home tuesday. I can't wait to actually shoot the thing. It's fun to shoot guns at targets. I doubt i'll ever even have ammo in the house. I didn't buy it for protection, because you need to have the gun out to protect yourself. In order to pull the gun out, you have to have identified the threat first. That's all too proactive a defense for my peace of mind... No, no... It's purely for the fun of going to the range once or twice a month and putting holes in paper. But, now i'm closer to the sterotype. I'm a negro with a hand cannon. Watch out, whitey! ;-)

In other news, I'm now an A+ certified pc technician. But, here's the funny part. There is another Anthony M. (if you don't know it, you don't need to) in town. Only his middle name starts with R. Pearson VUE, the test giver, put me under his name when i registered. And this jack ass, who ever he is, passed the hardware and not the OS. Where as i passed the OS first and then took the hardware. SO, i get HIS cert on MY test to MY address. I sent it back today with transcripts from the tests I took, and a copy of my Photo ID. I called before hand and they said that they can fix it once they get it. They should get it monday. So, after that, I can be A+ certified and this other joker can be a non test passing fool. But, other than that, YAY!



I like rum. I had about a bottle and a half over the weekend. Coconut rum, even. Now, here's the issue. I never got as drunk as i should have... I got intoxicated, don't get me wrong. But a whole bottle of rum in one night should have had more effect. My tollerance is WAAAAAAAY up. This is bad. Because this is expensive. But it WAS only 70 proof LOL.

So, e-harmony is trying to entice me with three matches that all have pets... I think they are trying to kill me. Send me to a pet dander filled grave...

Oh, the peircing is 95% healed. YAY!!! I SO can't wait to have sex. It's almost like high school. lol.

But i should get back to studying. There are things counting on it.