
No hangover!!

Well, the streak continues, only wine seems to result in a hangover. All that beer and whiskey has left me fairly unscathed. I even woke up in 8 hours, hungry, and without an inclination that i drunk myself silly last night. outside of the 4 empties and earily close to empty whisky bottle (that i've been trying to finish off since new years...never buy bar sized proportions for a BYOB party). Well, i actually do feel better. Not like "wow, it all makes sense" better. More like, "ah, that hurt good" better.

So, i'm sure someone reading this without any prior knowledge is gonna be.....confused. My mom passed away due to cancer April 19, 2000. Watched her die slowly and painfuly for quite some time before hand. So, I suppose that makes me "damaged goods" in a way. But fuck it, not like I change that. Only two things will make me want to be violent... Hitting a child. Not spanking, i mean hitting a child with adult sized portions.

(rant) IMHO, spanking is a needed part of child raising. If you think about it, the further we get away from old ways of child rasing, the more out of control children seem to be. I know this is gonna sound "out there" but maybe our grandparents had it right. I was spanked as a child, and i'm not violent-minded. i don't own a gun. Hell, i never even shot a gun. I don't hit people out of anger, none of the supposed effects of spanking. If you look around, "time out" and "goodie point" systems don't seem to be working. More and more, we are raising our children to be children, and not to be adults. We're so busy trying to give children our ideal of a "happy" childhood we're not providing a healthy childhood. You can't reason with a 2 yr old like you can a 20 yr old. Why? Not because a 2yr old is "stupid," it's just that a 2 yr old hasn't learned the concept of applying cause and effect to a hypothetical situation. They understand the falling hurts, so don't fall. But they don't get climbing on the counters might make me fall and that's gonna hurt. So, as a parent, or even as a parental figure (read: FULLY FUNCTIONING ADULT!!!), it is our job to make that connection for them. As an adult, it's our job to think for a child when the child stops thinking. I mean, it's not reasonable to expect parents to be around ALL THE TIME. But it's not an excuse to let parents off the hook either. It's your hooligan. When you go to the store, WATCH YOUR HOOLIGAN. letting your child run rampant in Macy's isn't funny, or cute, or "letting the child explore his/her surroundings," It's bad parrenting. It's the begining of such fine things as "lack of situational propiety" and "bad manners." Most adults who get fired cause they can't just act right were never taught how to behave in public.

sorry, got off topic. where was i? Oh yeah. Two things make me want to get violent: Hitting a child with adult sized proportions and making inappropriate comments about my mother. And even then, I don't actually get violent, i just explain to people what the need to not do around me again. Well, i have lost this train of thought... No idea where i was going...

new topic

trying to decide how i want to waste time today. Maybe i'll give robyn a call and make her watch movies with me tonight. Till then, i think i'll go to the java joint and drink coffee and read something.


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